Saturday, August 28, 2010


Before you embark on your journey to Shikoku, the following books might help:

1. Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide (in English)

Get the 2nd edition (8/2009), published by Buyodo Co. Ltd.
You can purchase from  or if you don't mind buying it until you get
there, it's available at Temple 1. Despite some inaccuracies with bathrooms and rest huts, this was the book we lived by day in and day out. It includes all the temples, hiking trail, elevation, accommodations with phone numbers, restaurants, convenient stores, mileage, and a page of useful phrases for making reservations which turned out to be essential.

2. The 88 Temples of Shikoku Island, Japan
    by: Bishop Taisen Miyata

We brought this book along with us on the journey. It provides some history about every temple, as well as stories of events that occurred at the temples. Can be purchased for $25 by sending check to:

Bishop Taisen Miyata
Los Angeles Kōya-san Buddhist Temple
342 First Street
Los Angeles, Ca, 90012
(213) 624-1267

3. A Journey of the Soul by Tatsuro Muro and David C. Moreton. Pretty similar to #2 in that it provide history about each temple. Can be purchased off of:
Because we were trying to limit our weight, I left this book behind and took #2 with us on the trip.

4. Japanese Pilgrimage by Oliver Statler

I had started reading this book before the trip, but never had a chance to finish. From the parts I did read, it's more of a story-telling book- not so much a guide for doing the trip. Good for bedtime reading.

5. Personal Journal

This is a must to record your experiences and journey. My next posts will mainly come from my journal entries, and from my memory for anything not recorded. One of my friends bought a moleskine journal for me and had my friends sign pages inside of it. It was so thoughtful and was a good way to get reminders of home while away on this pilgrimage. Thanks Alice!

Friday, August 27, 2010


It's been a few months now since I've posted but I am back and with good news...we (my sister and I) successfully completed the Shikoku 88 Temple circuit from March 7 to April 25 (strictly Shikoku, 1 day extra on both ends for Koyasan in the beginning and at the end).

50 days
1200km traveled (~750 miles)
~560 miles hiked
15 days of rain

Over the next few weeks, I'll continually update my blog and website with stories from our trip. Website and pictures are also linked off the left-hand side of the blog. I plan on translating my posts into Chinese too...and who knows, maybe one day I'll have learned enough Japanese to be able to come back and translate these into Japanese as well.

已經數月沒有在部落格上寫有關四國島的事情,但我有好消息報告。 我姊跟我從3月7日至4月25日順利平安地完成四國 88 寺的路程。

1200 公里(〜750英里)
