Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why didn't you tell me?

Last October, I was on vacation in Tokyo (Tokyo/Seoul/Taipei trip) and checked my facebook account. It turns out that Noam, a college dorm-mate, who lived on 6th floor of spens black, had just come back from Shikoku! Who knew! I wish I had known earlier. Here I was thinking that nobody I knew had heard of the Shikoku pilgrimage aside from me talking about it constantly, and he had just completed the trek! I am quite impressed. This is a picture taken by Noam in his henro gear. He was really hardcore though. He camped most nights, which I am definitely not doing on my journey. I don't want the extra weight of camping gear and I figure I need some comfort after ridiculous hours of hiking every day. Yes this is an impermanent body, but even impermanent things need hot baths and warm beds.

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