Thursday, December 24, 2009

8 miles..piece of cake

Created by My Tracks on Android.
Total Distance: 13.26 km (8.2 mi)
Total Time: 2:54:32
Moving Time: 2:38:54
Average Speed: 4.56 km/h (2.8 mi/h)
Average Moving Speed: 5.01 km/h (3.1 mi/h)
Min Elevation: 72 m (236 ft)
Max Elevation: 463 m (1519 ft)
Elevation Gain: 639 m (2097 ft)

I seem to average at 20 minute miles hiking Rancho San Antonio. I went with my backpack and loaded it up with 1 pair of shoes, 4 shirts i plan on taking, 1 pair of pants, towel, book, cell phones, wallet, and water. It's pretty representative of the things I'll be bringing, but I'm already starting to feel like i need to re-evaluate. I still had more things to bring and already the pack is full. I don't want to go with my bigger pack because I want to keep the weight down. I'll have to try again next time and see how much more i can stuff in. The weight was tolerable although my shoulders got a little sore. Also got a blister on the top of my pinky toe of the right foot, but that's because i have wide feet and the merrell trekking shoes are a little tight for me there. I'm going to keep wearing my vibrams around the house and see if i can take it for a real test run in a month or so.

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