The Zen center of Sunnyvale is having a 7 day zen retreat over the Christmas/New Year's break. It must've been popular because it was full, so I signed up to volunteer instead. While signing up, the receptionist told me to sign up for 八關齋界 and 三皈依 too, and since I wasn't going anywhere over the break, I thought sure, why not. I think this was my 2nd time ever holding the vows of 八關齋界 for 24 hours.
- I undertake to abstain from causing harm and taking life (both human and non-human).
- I undertake to abstain from taking what is not given (stealing).
- I undertake to abstain from sexual misconduct.
- I undertake to abstain from wrong speech: telling lies, deceiving others, manipulating others, using hurtful words.
- I undertake to abstain from using intoxicating drinks and drugs, which lead to carelessness.
- I undertake to abstain from eating at the wrong time (the right time is eating once, after sunrise, before noon).
- I undertake to abstain from singing, dancing, playing music, attending entertainment performances, wearing perfume, and using cosmetics and garlands (decorative accessories).
- I undertake to abstain from luxurious places for sitting or sleeping, and overindulging in sleep.
1. working as an overnight volunteer is tough. I've helped in the kitchen and as 行堂 before, but mainly work the hour or so before lunch. In this case, some kitchen staff were in there as early as 4am getting ready for breakfast. The idea is to make everything run smoothly for the practitioners, so there's an army of volunteer staff behind the scenes serving. There was about 50 or so retreat participaters and easily 20 or so volunteers. It was pretty impressive to see all of the operations behind the scene, especially old grandmas working so diligently and zealously.
2. I had a good heart to heart talk with my two roommates. we returned back to our rooms around 5:30pm and since it was too early to sleep and nothing to do, we stayed up chatting til 9pm. one was called 傳奉 and the other one i'm not sure what her name was. In either case, both are Vietnamese immigrants but speak mandarin and cantonese. Talk about impressive! It's always fun being able to meet other 善知識 who talk about their experiences and are able to help guide you along your practice.
3. I noticed my tolerance for retreats is getting lower. I used to do 7 day retreats no problem, but i was kind of anxious to come home after just one day. I think partly because I was a volunteer and there was a lot of down-time and often some chaos or aimless wandering. I think Shikoku will help with this, especially since there will be lots of down time at night to reflect and be mindful.
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