Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm gonna go hike me an island

What can i say? I saw the documentary and I was intrigued. I did more research and I was hooked. Part of me is doing it for the adventure. I hiked the Inca trail in Peru..this would be like doing it 30 times back to back! It's not everyday that you can say you hiked an island and have a cool souvenir to show for it (the book with the stamps from each temple). Part of me thinks it's cool to visit the Buddhist temples because I'm Buddhist. Part of me wants to reconnect with my spiritual side- take a break from the meaningless hustle and bustle and get enlightened on a scenic island. I also want to dedicate some merit to Mom, even though we all know she's in a much better place than I am. And finally, part of me thinks the outfit is super cool. What's not to love about the rice paddy hats and walking sticks with bells?

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